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All rights in the material on the Site and news by e-mail (together "the Content") belong to Lux-Traveller or its third party licensors and are protected by copyright, trademarks, service marks and/or other proprietary rights and laws of the UK and other countries. All individual articles, columns, emails and other elements on the Site are also copyright works and you agree to abide by all applicable copyright and other laws, as well as any additional copyright notices or restrictions contained on the Site or in these Terms. The business may licence third parties to use the Content in its sole discretion.

You agree to use the Site and the Content solely for your own use and benefit and not for resale or other transfer or disposition to any other person or entity. You further agree not to use, transfer, distribute or dispose of any Content in any manner that might compete with the business of Lux-Traveller.

If it is brought to our attention that you have indeed sold, published, distributed, retransmitted or otherwise provided access to article(s) from the Content to anyone without the prior written permission from Lux-Traveller, we will invoice you for a copyright abuse penalty fee of £1,000 per article or image, which will be payable immediately upon receipt of the invoice.

Lux-Traveller aims to correct innocent mistakes as soon as they are pointed out, and apologises for inadvertent omissions, but will not pay your costs in this respect. Correspondence on this matter will not be entered into. By browsing this site you agree to these terms and conditions.

This site abides by Fair Dealing in United Kingdom law under Sections 29 and 30 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Some information may be taken from the companies concerned, including their press material, such as flight times, onboard service, location, opening hours, menus, images, etc. This is used under the fair dealing exception for the material being copied for criticism or review, but the company or lounge will be acknowledged, and in the case of images taken from press material or publicity from these companies, either directly or by linking to content or images, or inlining or embedding images, any goodwill associated with the source site's trademarks automatically vests in the destination site.

Lux-Traveller is a non-commercial, not for profit blog, written by a non-trading individual, which does not market or promote any product listed, and does not make any direct or indirect commercial use of any name, and as such assert my rights as an individual writing a (non-marketing) review to be exempt from the relevant parts of Australian RSA regulations, UK licencing laws, and EU laws regarding alcohol, promotion, designation, and marketing.

However, I do have to warn you, things change. Prices go up, the quality of wine goes down, schedules are put back, and lounges are revamped. The nuts may be tweaked. New lounges open. And the older ones thankfully close. Good beer goes bad, and some airlines go to a generic contract lounge. Nothing stays the same. So if you find things better or worse, recently opened, or long since closed, please tell me.

Also, if you want to contact me with requests for images, or other legal matters, before you email, please read the copyright information & legal notes here. Note that Loungeindex is a non-commercial, not for profit blog.

I genuinely value all the feedback I get, but please note that due to my insistence on independently checking all updates which are sent to me, it can sometimes take a few weeks to get new information on the site. Normally I can do this by checking direct with the airlines concerned. Sometimes alas, particularly when an airline installs a new lounge, a site visit is required - which I end up travelling to, and paying for.

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